CysDB App
The CysDB web application is publicly available at and features chemoproteomic measures of identification, hyperreactivity, and ligandability for 62,888 cysteines (24% of all cysteines the human proteome). The application also includes annotations of functionality (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, Pfam, Panther), known druggability (FDA approved targets, DrugBank, ChEMBL), disease-relevance and genetic variation (ClinVar, Cancer Gene Census, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man), and structural features (Protein Data Bank).
Chemoproteomic-Detected Amino Acid (CpDAA) App
For genetics folks- chemoproteomics-detected means a specific amino acid position has been labeled by a chemical probe and is considered to be a reactive residue. These labeled residues, or CpDAAs, are associated with protein function and may represent a unique way to prioritize functional protein variants in disease genomes. See Publications to view the associated paper published in MSB.
Have a favorite protein or curious VUS? Check out the CpDAA app to see if your gene/protein is one of the 4,526 sequences annotated @
Differential Expression Analysis App
The goal of comparative gene expression studies is to discover the molecular mechanisms that underlie certain phenotypes, such as human cancer types. For this purpose, expression changes of individual genes are typically analyzed for enrichment in functional gene sets and annotated pathways. The goal of my Summer 2020 Internship Project at Kite Pharma was to create a one-stop-shop for all differential expression analysis (DEA) needs.
Check out a public version of this project @